Employers of Diversity Nomination: Step 2

Please fill in the following form to complete your nomination process. If at any time you wish to save your answers and complete at a later time, click the Save and continue later button at the bottom of this form.

Complete and submit the online form no later than 11:59 PM AT on March 1. Applications submitted after that time will be held for the following year (i.e. if you submit on March 2, 2025, your application will held for 2026).

Note: this application requires the submission of TWO letters in support of your application. We recommend that one letter come from an employee/employee group inside your company and the other letter come from an external source who can verify the impact of your DEIB-AR agenda. Each letter should be no more than two pages in length.

The Importance of Accuracy:
Applicants are advised to answers questions with clear detail, offering explicit examples of DEIB-AR initiatives and outcomes.

Excerpts from this information will also be used for winner award announcements in the July/August edition of Atlantic Business Magazine.

For national/international organizations, the following pertains to Atlantic Canada operations only
About Your Company/Organization



4. Street address for your Atlantic Canada head office

5. Mailing address for your Atlantic Canada head office location, if different from above

6. Person completing this application

7. Marketing/Communications Contact

8. Social media
Please include your corporate social media handles for each of the following platforms


10. What percentage of your staff (below management level) identifies as:
We don't collect this data

11. What percentage of your management team identifies as:
We don't collect this data

12. What percentage of your board identifies as:
We don't collect this data

Vision and Values


Recruitment and Hiring

Training, Development and Pay Equity

Culture and Environment

Performance Evaluation

Supplier, Procurement and Community Outreach

Accountability and Transparency

Final Thoughts?
Upload your two letters of support
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.


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