Best of Atlantic Canada — 3rd Annual Readers’ Choice Awards

Posted on January 02, 2023 | By Dawn Chafe | 0 Comments


Interest in our Readers’ Choice Awards exploded this year with a record-breaking 5,729 votes cast. As in past years, winners are decided by simple addition: they who have the most votes, wins. But there’s a catch.

Although votes are submitted through our website, we do two things to discourage the bandwagon voting so common to online polls. First, we don’t tell anyone who to vote for—it’s deliberately open-ended so that the voter tells us who they think is the best service provider in each category. Second, we don’t release any preliminary results before voting closes. Your vote might be the first vote cast for a particular company, or it might be the 500th… you have no way of knowing how your candidate is performing until this magazine is published and the winners are announced.

One more thing: you’ll notice that some categories have a Winner and an Honourable Mention. Honourable Mention is much more than simply a runner-up: it is only awarded when a nominee receives at least 75 per cent as many votes as the category winner.

Congratulations to this year’s honourees and a sincere thank you to everyone who made time to vote—there wouldn’t be a Readers Choice Awards without you.

Dawn Chafe
Executive Editor

Visit our website to submit your vote for 2024:


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