Debert Business Park a hidden gem for competitive enterprise

Posted on January 04, 2021 | Sponsored Content | 0 Comments


Located in Colchester County just west of Truro, N.S., off the Trans-Canada Highway, Debert Business Park is one of the best-kept secrets for businesses in the region. Offering strategic partnerships, advanced transportation networks, and a collaborative business environment, it’s serious about its slogan: From Here to Anywhere.

Today, the Park is home to a diverse community of over 50 businesses engaged in everything from manufacturing to hospitality. Some of the largest distribution operations in the Atlantic provinces are here.

“We offer the best access to markets, transportation networks, and infrastructure, along with competitive tax rates and land pricing,” says Mark Austin, Economic Developer at the Municipality of Colchester. “We have prime land available for immediate development.”

Providing direct access to major highways, international rail and its own airport, as well as proximity to international deep-water ports and an international airport at Halifax, only an hour away, goods can go literally from here to anywhere.

Debert Business Park works to help businesses thrive with attractive property tax rates and very competitive pricing relative to comparable sites. The skilled and creative team of economic development professionals collaborate with governments and agencies to help companies foster growth. The Municipality is part of the Truro & Colchester Partnership for Economic Prosperity, which provides business centric services along with regional marketing.

“We understand the importance of a vibrant and supported business sector,” says Christine Blair, Mayor of the Municipality of Colchester. “Debert Business Park is an important contributor to the economy and a big part of the community. It is prominent in the municipality’s strategic plans.”

Debert Business Park is also home to Debert Airport, a valued community and economic asset specializing in general aviation, flight training, and aircraft servicing. With a newly acquired property soon to become the 45,000 square-foot Debert Aviation Centre, the airport is primed for new commercial activity. Space will be available in early 2021.

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