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“Behaviors need to change, capital needs to be committed and everyone needs to pay more for “green” wherever green costs more (and most often it does). That said, there is some legitimacy to the argument that some can’t, or shouldn’t have to, pay.”
It is almost impossible to look at any source of mainstream media without finding stories directly about, or related to, climate change. Whether these be about record high temperatures, drought conditions, extreme weather events such as tornadoes or record downpours, or retreating glaciers, such stories are everywhere and ever present. Behind the headlines are even more worrisome insights about the ever-widening impacts of these events. These extend to how agriculture is being affected, how low-lying islands are in danger from rising sea levels, how the health conditions of the elderly are being adversely impacted, how various plant and animal species’ survival is in danger, how coral reefs around the world are dying… The impacts are widespread, profound—and spreading.
What are we doing about this? Sadly, very little.
Sure, governments around the world—beginning with the Paris Climate Accord in 2015—have committed themselves to keeping the increase in average global temps to 1.5 degrees C. The mechanisms for doing so are resident in reducing human-induced carbon emissions. And these same governments have unleashed a barrage of programs designed to encourage or even mandate the reduction of greenhouse gasses. This is a logical first step but as emissions are continuing to grow globally, this is clearly not enough.
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