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After four decades, Futureworx’s leadership is adamant about where the true value of the organization lies. “Our biggest asset and the reason why we’re able to celebrate our 40th anniversary this year is our own employees,” says Randy Lindsay, CEO of the charitable organization that helps people with diverse needs identify their strengths, set goals and develop skills to achieve success in school, work and life.
It should come as no surprise, then, that the Truro-based entity is, itself, one of Atlantic Canada’s recently designated Best Places to Work. Now in their 40th year, Futureworx employees work internationally, across Canada, and in every community in Nova Scotia to address the barriers that prevent their clients from finding valuable and purposeful work. “The more we fulfill our mission, the greater our sense of value and contribution to the workplace, especially in these fast-paced, ever-changing times,” says Lindsay.
“Our biggest asset and the reason why we’re able to celebrate our 40th anniversary this year is our own employees.”
—Randy Lindsay, CEO, Futureworx
Recognizing that specific circumstances impact the way each of us approaches life, staff collaborate closely with their clients to tailor the strategy—and deliver the relevant tools, resources and programs—that are right for each one of them. Collaborating closely with local industries, staff also align training with labor market demands, ensuring smooth workforce transitions and reducing skills mismatches for both job seekers and employers. “Our employees bring their full authentic selves to work and support others to do the same,” Lindsay says.
For its part, he adds, the organization is focussed on ensuring that every area of operations remains a place for everyone. “Recognizing that our employees are our most valuable asset, we believe that creating an environment where employees feel valued and supporting the overall wellness of our employees are important factors in fostering continued employee engagement. They appreciate the organization’s adaptability to changing priorities and the numerous opportunities for professional growth. The team-oriented atmosphere and commitment to diversity and inclusion further enhance job satisfaction.”
“Our biggest asset and the reason why we’re able to celebrate our 40th anniversary this year is our own employees.”
—Randy Lindsay, CEO, Futureworx
The impact of their work is perhaps best reflected in the heartfelt testimonials from those whose lives they’ve touched. Take Courtney Smith, for example, who shares, “I am deeply grateful to have received [skills development] funding that allowed me to attend school for the past three years. This support has been instrumental in my educational journey and has made a profound difference in my personal life.” Then there’s Aregash Ambo, who recalls, “I arrived in Canada in 2020, and although I was legally allowed to work, I had been unsuccessful in my job search. It wasn’t until I joined the Women’s First Program that I finally found employment.” And Emma Culgin, who says, “Futureworx gave me the start I needed to engage in my life again. They helped give me the confidence to know I could be more than I ever thought possible. The programs they offered helped shape the life I have now, and I’m forever grateful they were available to me when I was ready to make a change.”
These stories speak volumes about the transformative power of support, empowerment and opportunity. “Last year, over 3,000 individuals, each with their own unique story, reached out to Futureworx in search of support, guidance and a way forward,” Lindsay says. “Our client’s journey to finding a job is not just about an individual’s success; it can change the trajectory of the entire family and social network.”
Yet one more reason why Futureworx is, indeed, its own best place to work.
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