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Everyone likes to see new startups and growing companies, but not everyone is willing to take a risk on them financially. Among the various sources where business founders and executives regularly turn for mentorship and investment support, one option is venture capital.
For anyone looking in that direction, Atlantic Business Magazine decided to reach out to some venture capitalists in the region with one key question: When you’re being approached with an investment opportunity, what’s sure to turn you off or, on the flip side, make you want to know more?
Across the board, all responding venture capitalists (VCs) didn’t think much of the idea of a “perfect pitch” template. A perfect pitch was described like something for people watching too much Dragon’s Den or Shark Tank, and what anyone with pitch experience might chuckle at.
“I think the word ‘perfect’ is an issue,” said Pelorus Ventures president Chris Moyer, who has mentored companies throughout Atlantic Canada, both as an individual and through the firm. As long as you’re talking about the right things, he doesn’t expect it to be perfect. “But at least you’re talking about the things that are important. You talk about your market size. You talk about your team. You talk about your strategy, where you create value, where you think you create value, who your customers are going to be. That’s what makes up a good pitch. I don’t think there’s a perfect pitch.”
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