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Buried in a quiet suburban shopping district in the small Nova Scotian town of New Minas is a hidden gem beloved by locals and newcomers to Canada alike.
Noypi Filipino-Asian Store has been a neighborhood staple for two years. It’s evidence of how a fast-growing diaspora from the Philippines can add new vibrancy to life for small town Nova Scotians and the newcomers who seek work in their communities. Noypi is primarily a grocery store, offering food products from the Philippines and elsewhere in Asia.
Maggie Anne Banting-Lozano sat down with Atlantic Business Magazine in the shop. She flipped the sign to ‘closed’, to have a long chat by the counter while Filipino music played and her children ran in the back rooms. Banting-Lozano is one of four co-owners. Originally from the Philippines, she arrived in Nova Scotia in March of 2016.
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