True tales of epic fails and how they were transformed into inspiring success stories

Posted on May 05, 2021 | By Ashley Fitzpatrick | 0 Comments


PEI Preserve Company founder, Bruce MacNaughton’s story is a case of getting knocked down, and back up again, repeatedly. (Photo: Prince Edward Island Preserve Co. Facebook page)


It’s a picture-perfect image: behind on the scoreboard, the clock winding down, the quarterback sees a teammate open in the end zone. There’s a Hail Mary pass and it sails… right into the receiver’s hands. Magic.

Only, sometimes the pass doesn’t land. In some cases, the quarterback gets sacked while he’s still reading the field of play. In sports, a team regroups and maybe some changes are made before trying again. In business, a heavy loss could mean the players get let go and the stadium shutters.

But in times of high tension, it’s good to remember that there’s nothing the fans like more than a good comeback. It’s in the turnaround that people earn descriptions like “determined,” “steadfast,” “inspiration.”

If we really, really tried, could we ever pin down a definitive list of the greatest of all time (GOAT) comebacks in Atlantic Canadian business? Oh my heavens no. Obviously no. But we’re living in the moment here. A few more vaccine shots and we’re all supposed to hit the roaring ‘20s, so let’s live a little and toss a few comeback stories around.

In the spirit of failure, we offer these true stories we believe rank as great comebacks. Cue the highlight reel.

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