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As New Brunswick’s leading research university, UNB understands the need for innovation in a solutions-seeking world—and the need to get those innovations to market.
The main priority of UNB’s Research and Innovation Partnerships team is to help industry engage with the university’s research and innovation resources. “One of our primary values is ease of access,” says UNB’s Director of Research and Innovation Partnerships, Hart Devitt. “Our team is a one-stop shop for access to expertise and facilities across the whole R&D lifecycle, from invention through to validation testing.”
Now, with the new Fulcrum Initiative—launched in May with support from ACOA and The Molson Foundation—bringing together industry, government and academic players is becoming even smoother.
Says Devitt: “With Fulcrum, we’re moving more actively out into the world; it’s really about showing our partners how truly focused we are on their needs.”
At the heart of the initiative are convergence hubs, which identify topics where UNB has widespread expertise and industry has significant demand. Says Devitt: “There’s a strong need and opportunity for the manufacturing sector to transform right now—and UNB research and development can bring a wide range of expertise to bear in this area.”
For example, the Marine Additive Manufacturing Centre of Excellence develops advanced materials that augment the physical properties of aluminum, titanium and steel. It also conducts ground-breaking research in 3D-printed long-fibre composites, metal coatings, and ultra-light high-strength metamaterials.
“A lot of work has been done here to enhance the relationship between industry and research in advanced manufacturing,” says the Centre’s director, UNB Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Dr. Mohsen Mohammadi. “With Fulcrum, there’s now a unique space for industry to talk to researchers even more easily.”
Says Devitt: “Fulcrum recognizes that demand for innovation commercialization is growing. UNB’s Research and Innovation Partnerships team is positioned to help.” •
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