What readers had to say about our latest issue:

Posted on August 31, 2017 | Atlantic Business Magazine | 0 Comments

Clearing the air Read story
Wade Kearley Legalization (of marijuana) is long overdue. My days of consumption are long behind me but the point is that government has wasted too much money for too long on suppressing what should be legally available. Redeploy the law enforcement, justice and social resources that have been diverted by this for too long. Not to mention the people whose lives have been negatively impacted by criminal charges for something that never should have been a criminal activity. And all those who could gain medical benefits but were for so long denied.

Also, on drugs being laced with other intoxicants—many people legally drink on top of legally prescribed drugs that have a multiplier effect on the level of sobriety. That will never change. To bend an old saying, the intoxicated will always be with us.

I feel that the whole shebang should be legalized—if people can get a drug illegally why not provide it legally with cautionary usage information the equivalent of the pictures on the cigarette packs and collect the taxes? Allow the people with addictions to reclaim their dignity and live productive lives. And let’s empower and free the legal and justice systems to become more proactive and to go after the kind of people whose activity is actually undermining society, not those who are just trying to survive or get some relief or maybe have a little fun without harming anyone (except maybe themselves?).

The year of Brian Read story
@mcinnescooper Above and Beyond is a terrific article from @AtlanticBus on @PalAirlines CEO Brian Chafe. A business with heart!

@PALairlines Our very own #CEO, Brian Chafe dropped by @BloombergTV today to talk all things PAL and discuss his @AtlanticBus #Top50CEO win #business

Should a business magazine make room for social issues?

  • @terry_hussey 100% yes. Business needs to do more for society as a whole. We have enormous influence on social issues and should be positive leaders.
  • @jisheppard Not sure… I think identifying corporate citizenry and high lighting it would be great but we get enough preaching from everywhere else
  • @DanGallway 100% agree @terry_hussey. If business leaders do not take something like this on, who is going to? Privilege and excess is enabling
  • @terry_hussey I don’t mean PR exercises. I mean genuine practices by businesses to make the lives of their people better. People before profit.
  • @jisheppard I’d agree with that. Innovative HR policies I believe you’ve described but corporate citizenry is not always simply a PR exercise
  • @terry_hussey Not always, but rarely is it for selfless purposes
  • @jisheppard I’m not talking about the large franchises taking a dollar from each of us, having us sign a card, then presenting a big ol’ check to charity
  • @jisheppard Selfless in all cases is hard to find and there will always be someone who says something that diminishes selfless (I have)
  • @jisheppard but you take our province right now… We’re up to our neck in debt and business and unions are asking for more welfare. Bit of citizenry would be nice.

Get on board Read story
@KBRSAtlantic #BoardEffectiveness tip: “Be prepared for pushback & uncomfortable moments” Why? Read @AtlanticBus #Governance

On the road
@LawDeanHolloway I always look for @AtlanticBus when I travel. It keeps me in touch with home. A great read, even for us expats!

@nbcc_OASIS #Sunshine, #trees & latest edition of @AtlanticBus #NBDay

Money talks Read story
@meridiarecruit Interesting ‘XXFactor’ article in @AtlanticBus Not only #knowyourvalue for the #DiversityDividend but to ask for it!

Dope read Read story
@ClarissaMHL From one dork to another, this was a funny and accurate read. I walked through a cloud going into a grocery store last week and felt the same way.

  • @sherrie_wilkins My concerns are mainly 1) driving and 2) implications as an employer

It’s ok to say ‘no’ Read story
Shelley Goodwin You nailed it (“The Tyranny of Women Helping Women”). I am passionate about helping women in their quest for their next opportunity. But like most women (and men), my time is precious to me. Yet many women think nothing of asking for a chunk of my time over “coffee”. I have to admit I have felt guilty in the past when I have said, “just tell me what you want and I will gladly assist.” But they have not been able to identify what they want so I have tried to gently say no. But then I have ended up feeling slightly guilty about it after. Your article nicely articulated how I felt, provided context, and also suggested how to not go there anymore. Thank you, your article was long overdue.

What he said Read story
Victor Lopez I am not a taller than average white man. I emigrated to Canada because taller and less tall than average white, anglo-saxon protestant (WASP) men and women established a “taller than average” country: a prosperous democracy under the rule of law.

The tall and not so tall, the white and not so white men and women of the West created a culture that the whole world recognises as the pinnacle of human achievement in all fields: art, all sciences, rule of law, democracy, theater, food, sports, painting, architecture, technology, medicine, astronomy, math and on and on.

When you write what you wrote (An open letter to taller than average white men), you harm the creators of the most amazing societies ever known. Even now, the only countries in the world with solid prosperous democracies are essentially all western.

I do not know if you are a WASP. If you are, then you have swallowed all the hyperarticulate madness coming out of the messianic marxists hell-bent on creating the promised land after they destroy the West. They will fail but they will have caused unimaginable damage to the World. If the advanced Western nations become weak, the World will descend into hell. One of the first casualties will be the rights of women.

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