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CEO Fonemed
2021 Top 50 CEO Hall of Fame Inductee
Virtual healthcare innovation isn’t known for its entertainment value, but Fonemed CEO Charlene Brophy can sometimes sound like a joyful kid when she talks about the future of her business. At 61, she’s more exuberant than ever.
“People ask me all the time, ‘When are you going to retire?’” she said, laughing. “I tell them, I fully expect to wake up one morning and not have fun anymore. That’s when I’ll retire. But for now, I’m still loving it.”
Launched 25 years ago as a nurse consulting company, Fonemed now manages over 60,000 patient visits a month, offering diagnostic and prescribing services, through a network of nurse practitioners across Canada and physician partners in the U.S. “Our goal is to empower patients,” she said. “Everything we’re doing now is about enabling individuals to take responsibility and accountability for their own care.”
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