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Cover Story
July 16, 2019
Meet Mandy Rennehan, the blue collar champion who is Atlantic Business Magazine's 2019 CEO of the Year
July 23, 2019
July 30, 2019
Dig into how food tourism operators in Atlantic Canada are setting the table with one-of-a-kind culinary experiences.
August 06, 2019
Learn how the town of Rigolet, Labrador is protecting and celebrating their Inuit culture by sharing it with visitors
Let's do launch
July 18, 2019
Every issue, we chat with the founder of an Atlantic Canadian startup to learn how they launched and what's next. In this issue, CEO and co-founder of MYSA, inventors of smart thermostats for electric baseboard heaters.
Where are they now
July 25, 2019
Each issue we check in with one of our Top 50 CEO Hall of Fame inductees. In this issue we speak with Ken LeBlanc of
The Water Cooler
August 01, 2019
Ever wonder how Atlantic Canada, with only 2.3 million people, annually draws almost three times that number of tourists (about 6 million in 2017)? Surveys say it’s because this place offers an ideal mix of nature, culture and hospitality. Here, then, are the region’s top 10 attractions in no particular order
The Water Cooler
August 08, 2019
Availability of charging stations could detour regional travel plans
The Water Cooler
August 15, 2019
When it comes to tourism, Atlantic Canada’s provincial governments believe in the power of promotion. They may be on to something
After Hours
July 11, 2019