Atlantic Canada’s smartest import

Posted on October 20, 2015 | Atlantic Business Magazine | 0 Comments

Atlantic Canada’s post-secondary institutions are realizing the real benefits of maintaining an international population, filling the gap caused by the many Atlantic Canadians who choose to leave their provinces. Could attracting and retaining more international students be the key to sustainable economic and cultural prosperity?

How are we doing?

Post-secondary enrolments of international students throughout Atlantic Canada (2007/08 – 2012/13)

University level College level
2007/08 987 international students
6% of total enrolment
63 international students
.6% of total enrolment
2012/13 1,821 international students
10% of total enrolment
93 international students
.9% of total enrolment
84% growth 48% growth

University level College level
2007/08 3,867 international students
9% of total enrolment
45 international students
.5% of total enrolment
2012/13 6,673 international students
16% of total enrolment
636 international students
6% of total enrolment
70% growth 1,313% growth

University level College level
2007/08 381 international students
7% of total enrolment
381 international students
21% of total enrolment
2012/13 510 international students
12% of total enrolment
360 international students
14% of total enrolment
98% growth -6% growth

University level College level
2007/08 2,712 international students
1% of total enrolment
87 international students
1% of total enrolment
2012/13 3,291 international students
15% of total enrolment
318 international students
4% of total enrolment
21% growth 266% growth

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