CNA Mining Innovation Network helps build multi-billion-dollar industry

Posted on November 01, 2021 | Atlantic Business Magazine | 0 Comments


CNA’s mobile, full spectrum Hyperspectral Drill Core Scanning Unit


Global economic growth is anchored to a sustainable and efficient supply of minerals and metals. Canada’s geology hosts rich reserves of these high-demand commodities. To become the world’s leading supplier of vital metals and minerals, however, innovators must strive to reach a new level.

“That’s why College of the North Atlantic (CNA) in Newfoundland and Labrador has developed the CNA Mining Innovation Network,” says Dr. Michael Long, Associate Vice-President of Applied Research & Innovation.  Building on years of research and development and innovation partnerships with the college’s mining sector partners, the Network marshals existing CNA resources to offer a broad array of mining innovation services to grow Canada’s $100 billion-plus sector.

The Network’s team of experienced researchers, technologists and technicians utilize state-of-the-art technology to solve exploration and production challenges. Dedicated labs and facilities include:

  • a newly commissioned Hyperspectral Scanning Unit, a mobile laboratory that offers world-class, high-resolution hyperspectral imaging capabilities over most currently accessible EM spectral ranges, spanning the Visible Near Infrared to the Longwave Infrared regions;
  • an Applied Mineralogy Lab with Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and XRF technologies; and
  • a Mineral Processing Lab at CNA’s Baie Verte campus specializing in ore grade optimization equipped with autosamplers, Knelson Concentrator, classifiers and more to simulate real-world mining conditions.

In 2021, new equipment (such as hyperspectral imaging and autonomous LiDAR 3D mapping drones and ground penetrating radar) will complement existing technology.

“At the CNA Mining Innovation Network, two criteria are used to assess opportunities: Is there an industry partner; and can CNA’s students be involved? Business impact is how success is measured. Embedding students in innovation projects helps position graduates for exciting and lucrative careers in Canada’s mining industry and supports the next generation workforce,” Long adds. •

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