Letters to the editor

Posted on July 06, 2011 | Atlantic Business Magazine | 0 Comments

Start to Finish

Just finished reading Vol. 22, No. 3 and wanted to let you know that I REALLY enjoyed reading this issue.

Three ads stood out in my mind. The Marriott Halifax Harbourfront proves that a picture is worth a thousand words. Vogue Furriers was also an attractive ad, simple yet effective. And the Lawtons Home Healthcare ad delivered a great message in a way that was both cute and funny.

In O Conada?, Dawn Chafe states: “We need a new vision for Canada, one that includes a real national strategy for collective growth.” Tell Dawn not to hold her breath — I don’t think Mr. Harper has such a vision.

Rob Antle’s From No to Show is a positive sign that E.U. trade talks are going in the right direction. Likewise, his Notes on a Scandal was welcome news. I’m glad to see that governments are going after the political crooks who rob from the public purse! And his Heights and Lows piece was excellent journalism, shedding considerable light on a nightmarishly complicated situation. Finally, his Edge of Success story demonstrates great use of a picture to capture reader’s attention. It had my attention right away.

I was also impressed with Alec Bruce’s thought-provoking commentary: Whose government is this anyway? But his profile of Wadih Fares was, in my opinion, the best article in the magazine — a 10 out of 10. But then again, I always enjoy Alec’s writing. He writes so well and develops such a beautiful story line.

Hubert Hutton’s publisher’s note was pleasantly upbeat and Martin Connelly’s story included valuable information about doing business in China. Stephanie Porter’s Two if by Sea made for a light, entertaining read. And I especially loved the title of Kevin Stoddart’s piece about Andrew Bell (The Resuscitator). I read and reread the last paragraph.

My only disappointment was the Top 50 CEO award winners — too bad there’s so few women. Maybe next year.

Paul Walsh | Montreal


Atlantic Business Magazine apologizes for misspelling John Chan’s name in our May/June issue. Mr. Chan is the owner of China Streetsmart Consulting.

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