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Businesswomen across Atlantic Canada likely nodded their heads in agreement as they read about an April report that revealed the best and worst cities to be a woman in Canada.
The report, published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, found that men are still paid far more than women, and men still occupy the lion’s share of senior management positions.
The report, which examined the plight of women in Canada’s 20 largest metropolitan centres, ranked each city based on how men and women are faring in five areas: economic security, health, education, leadership and personal security. The report found that Quebec City was the best place to be a woman in Canada and Edmonton was the worst. St. John’s ranked third and Halifax placed ninth. The report was based on data Statistics Canada compiled for the 20 largest centres in the country, but Saint John and Charlottetown were not on that list, so they were not included in the Centre’s report.
While the results indicate women have it pretty good in St. John’s and Halifax compared to other Canadian cities, the numbers below show that women in these two communities are still getting the short end of the stick when it comes to equal pay and occupying leadership roles in the workplace. “I hope this doesn’t make anyone ashamed,” says Kate McInturff, a senior researcher at the Centre who authored the report. “But I hope it highlights that there is room for improvement.”
Amen, Kate.
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