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Jordan Hipson (19)
Hometown: Halifax, N.S.
Executive summary: a proud homemaker who has turned an early childhood fascination with being organized and creating beautiful surroundings into a career. Jordan is a multi-media personality with a weekly radio show, TV show, quarterly print magazine and expansive online presence (
ABM: Who is Jordan Hipson? – Family? School? Hobbies? Best and worst qualities?
Jordon Hipson: To me, my family is everything. Immediately out of high school, I began Jordan Hipson Omnimedia. In my first year of business, things were growing and a pace that worried both my mother Pam and father Scott – like many new businesses, JHO was not an overnight success. They continued to support me, and are now extremely proud of what I have achieved. While university is an excellent option that many should not miss, I knew that at 18 it was just not for me. Without the support of my mother and father, my incredible partner Ryan, adorable little sister Brooklyn, and fantastic step-parents Wes and Sarah, none of this could have been my reality.
ABM: Who inspires you?
JH: My mother and Martha Stewart. When I was young, I remember my mother coming home from her high-stress job as VP of Operations at a large insurance brokerage. While many would need a few minutes to unwind, she immediately got to work on chores and a three to four part dinner (never less!). Her time to unwind was the two minutes she spent changing out of work clothes into something more comfortable and chore-appropriate! Her dedication and pride of her home is what inspires me every day to appreciate our homes, large or small, and appreciate the art of keeping them orderly.
Martha Stewart gave me the original idea that you can take something that you are passionate about and turn it into an actual career. There she was, on television, making cleaning and cooking not only interesting, but fun! Martha does not cut corners, she does not procrastinate, and completes every project to perfection. While many may say that her ideals or methods are “too perfect” or “unreasonable”, I see it as an opportunity to make it more accessible or easier to the everyday homemaker!
ABM: When, how and most importantly ‘why’ did cooking/cleaning/home décor become your passion?
JH: At 13, I first came across the television show “Martha” – a lifestyle series featuring celebrities, comedy, fun and most importantly homemaking advice. Up to this point, I never saw the fun in chores. Stewart not only opened my eyes to the world of homemaking and its many facets, she presented the information in a way that had me hooked. From that day forward, I spent countless hours researching, reading and practicing different homemaking methods. Eventually, I learned that with a few minor tweaks here and there, you can make almost any daunting task simple and interesting.
ABM: It’s highly unusual to hear about someone your age being passionate about “keeping house”. How have your peers reacted to your career path?
JH: Two lovely ladies who I grew up with, Danielle and Abigail, have been by my side for many years. If you speak to either of them, they will both tell you that I have been almost “addicted” to Martha Stewart since I was quite young. However, they never believed that I would be able to turn it into a career, especially as a 18 year old male. Today, they are both extremely proud of me, but will still have a laugh wondering how I ended up in the home and garden media field!
ABM: Parents, of course, are dying to know how they can get their kids to be as neat and tidy as you are. Any suggestions?
JH: My mantra is, when you have a strong tool-belt of cleaning tips and techniques – whether it is homemade cleaning solutions or a special way to use an interesting tool (such as a paint brush to dust tight spaces) – you will enjoy implementing and testing these methods. If you take the time to teach your kids something fun about cleaning, such as concocting a multi-purpose cleaner out of water and vinegar, you will find them very interested in seeing how it works!
ABM: You’re involved in radio, TV, online and print … where does this confidence come from?
JH: If you ask my partner Ryan, confidence and Jordan Hipson are not two words that go together. Since the age of 12, I have struggled with a blotchy, oily complexion that bothers me daily. Through diet, medication and other methods (including not using every product under the sun – a little skin tip!) I have been able to manage this issue, and am working diligently to cut out those thoughts of having bad skin from my brain. When I am on stage, or on camera, on the air, or having photos done, I simply remember the years I spent researching what I am talking about. My dedication to homemaking, and the intricate details I have studied, power my confidence no matter where I am!
ABM: How have you managed to gain traction so quickly, and across so many media platforms? Where did the investment come from?
JH: When you begin any new project, especially in a media field, it is terribly important never to give up. You will be told no nine times out of 10. You will most likely make mistakes. Those factors are the name of game in business. With this in mind from day one, I have worked tirelessly with an amazing team of people supporting me, such as my family, my amazing publicist Fiona, and everyone else who has been a part of Jordan Hipson Omnimedia. As far as intital investment goes, I put the money I earned working part-time jobs into my business, and continued to grow off of the revenue we brought in. We have never received any outside investments, but are always open to new ideas.
ABM: Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?
JH: In the ever changing media field, it is extremely difficult to predict where I will be in 10 years. Ideally, I would enjoy having some type of “School for Domestic Arts” that offers classes on cooking, cleaning, gardening and more to everyday people who are looking for a little bit of extra knowledge!
ABM: What motivates you?
JH: The friends and fans are my largest motivator. Meeting the people who watch our show, read the Playbook, or listen to me on the radio; who have learned something new or been inspired in some way, is the most motivating feeling one could ever experience. When I see that people feel the same way about homemaking as I do, because of something I have taught them, I just need to do it again!
ABM: What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment to date?
JH: To date, I believe my largest accomplishment has been sticking out the hard times to get to where I am today. Like I said, I still think I am striving for success, however I know I am on the right path and sitting down to realize I have come this far is a very satisfying feeling.
ABM: What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
JH: The hardest thing I have ever had to do was making the decision to not attend university immediately out of high school, and making the commitment to the entrepreneurial life.
ABM: Most embarrassing moment?
JH: My most embarrassing moment was during a live-taping of my television show in front of an audience. During a segment break, I left my lapel microphone on. The whole break I spent doing breathing exercises with Ryan because I was so nervous the entire event. When I came back I realized everyone could hear me on the P.A. the entire time!
ABM: Biggest mistake?
JH: The biggest mistake I made was attempting to do everything as a new business owner. Like many, I thought I could do everything from accounting to the actual work of the business. I received a great piece of advice stating stick to what you’re good at, and let someone else handle the rest. I now know that if you are starting a business, it is paramount to work the financial details of outsourcing your weaknesses to someone else to ensure you do not make any mistakes, or fall behind.
ABM; What do you do to have fun/relax? Do you have a favorite band/song?
JH: Spending quiet time with Ryan, or my family and friends is one of the best ways for me to calm down and relax. For privacy reasons, I use a fake name on my personal social media accounts. Friends and family will often make jokes that I am much more relaxed when I am not “Jordan Hipson”.
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