Candid Conversations

Posted on July 31, 2014 | Karen A. Moores | 0 Comments

We’re three months into our mentorship and thanks to the digital space, despite travel and client needs, I’ve been able to ask my mentor candid questions and really find exactly what I wanted when I applied for this program: an unbiased listening ear on client management, business growth and finance.

A friend of mine is a big supporter of the concept of having your own personal Board of Directors – advocates, listeners, cheerleaders and critics that help as you guide and grow your personal brand and, for entrepreneurs, your business. I love the idea because the opportunity for candid conversations and raw feedback is present.

I’m lucky.

I’ve found this same unfiltered, candid space with my mentor who is a tremendous listener and gives honest feedback while also encouraging you to cut yourself a slack.

My biggest personal achievement so far in the mentorship program?
My background in communications and my interest in telling stories (mostly, my clients stories!) is part of my job: I love to get others to open up. I’m just not that used to opening up and answering questions from others.

Having a space to ask candid questions and finding a mentor from outside my hometown, St. John’s, has let me get out of that comfort zone: I’ve begun to share and ask questions I might not typically ask.

I’ve also applied the rule that I share the full story: a mentor can only give you good feedback if you are honest about your issues or needs.

Lesson Learned
Listen to your mentor and if you see fit, take their advice. Get over the nerves of sharing or oversharing and just ask those questions. This past month, I sought advice, didn’t take it and now regret it. Carole-Ann reminded me to remember that is how we learn – a lesson I wrote on piece of paper and have stuck to my laptop screen.

Surprise Knowledge
I wanted to work with Carole-Ann Miller because of her background in finance as an industry leader. I was initially focused on gaining finance and venture capital knowledge and, in my ways, I still am. It has surprised me how much I have learned about people relationships and business dynamics through our correspondence.

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