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Before she was the Hon. Jill Green, minister of transportation and infrastructure with the Government of New Brunswick, she was Jill Green, scientist and entrepreneur. As CEO of Green Imaging Technologies, Jill Green grew the Fredericton-based company from start-up to a successful, export-driven company serving the oil and gas sector globally. With no direct competitors, GIT provides their clients unique information about their oil and gas reserves through innovative nuclear magnetic resonance-based solutions.
For this episode of Take 5 with the Top 50, Atlantic Business Magazine editor Dawn Chafe asks Minister Green why she left the private sector to become a politician and how her entrepreneurial experience impacts her role as public servant. Chafe also asks the minister what advice she has for businesses struggling through the pandemic.
For each episode of Atlantic Business Magazine’s Take 5 with the Top 50 CEOs video series, we ask five questions of a 2020 Top 50 CEO award winner. See video below for the full Q&A with Jill Green.
Watch the 2021 Top 50 CEO awards at 7:00 pm AST, Thurs., May 6
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